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Our Price Promise

We are proud to provide our customers with exceptional value. To ensure you are never in doubt about receiving the best possible value, we promise to beat any other furniture quote. Additionally, all our furniture products are covered by our impressive 5-year guarantee after being installed by our highly trained fitting team.

How it works...

We are proud to provide our customers with exceptional value. To ensure you are never in doubt about receiving the best possible value, we promise to beat any other furniture quote. Additionally, all our furniture products are covered by our impressive 5-year guarantee after being installed by our highly trained fitting team.

Simply show your lower-priced current quote to your sales designer during your appointment or send a copy of your quote to our address here. Include photocopies of the competing offer and specification of the competing product with your claim. We will then make a final decision on whether the competitor’s product match the features offered by Tolle Kitchens.

To find out more, simply call us on 01422 747980 or email us at [email protected].

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Our Brochure

If you're currently looking for some more ideas & inspiration for your own kitchen project, you're in the right place. You can browse our range of bespoke traditional and contemporary kitchens in our brochure.